Knowlegde Management Network

Coordinated Platform between Department of Medical Education and Public Health for Capacity Building of Primary Healthcare Workers (An Initiative of Madhya Pradesh Health Systems Strengthening Program)

Madhya Pradesh is one of the pioneering states to have merged the Departments of Medical Education and Public Health. Madhya Pradesh Health Systems Strengthening Program conceived such a convergence in 2020 to operationalise a Knowledge Management Network (KMN) as a coordinated system of capacity building for the frontline healthcare workforce. The KMN builds upon the Atma Nirbhar Mandate of Government of Madhya Pradesh presents a road map to strengthen primary healthcare service delivery leveraging the expertise of Government Medical Colleges. The salient areas of engagement being:
  1. Mapping of Medical Colleges with Health & Wellness Centers (HWCs-Ayushman Arogya Mandirs), Community Health Centers (CHCs) and District Hospitals in its catchment to ensure seamless referral, supervision and mentoring hierarchy.
  2. Setting up of MP Knowledge Corporation for innovation, reforms, and technology interventions.
  3. Comprehensive health communication strategy to promote behaviour change in citizens through health education.

Knowledge Management Network of Government Medical Colleges forms the keystone for capacity building initiatives for the Healthcare Workers at the peripheral echelons.



MP-MILAAP is a learning management system to enable concurrent mentoring and remote handholding of the healthcare workers at primary healthcare settings within the footprint of Medical Colleges.

  • Robust platform for Primary Healthcare Workers
  • Supports to organise and monitor virtual mentoring and learning sessions
  • Simplified learning modules based on Comprehensive Primary Healthcare (CPHC) service packages of Ayushman Bharat


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You can register yourself as Faculty but you get permitted after the Admin Approval

Community Health Officers

You can register yourself as CHO but you get permitted after the Admin Approval

Program Support Team

You can register yourself as Program Support Team but you get permitted after the Admin Approval


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